
富山県 O様 foot the coacher オールソール...

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富山県 O様 foot the coacher オールソール...

富山県 O様 foot the coacher オールソール...





Thank you very much to Mr. O from Toyama Prefecture for requesting a full sole replacement and repair of his men's short boots from Foot the Coacher. As evidence of his many years of use, the soles showed considerable signs of wear. This time, he requested that we replace them with winter soles that are more slip-resistant and suitable for the upcoming season.

Foot the Coacher's shoes are made using the Goodyear welt method, which is durable and comfortable to wear, and the full sole replacement also results in a wonderful finish. With this method, the sole is removed and resewn, restoring the beauty and durability to the shoes as if they were new.

Now you can wear them with confidence even on snow and ice. This will be a pair of shoes that you can trust to take care of your feet in the future. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to continue entrusting your precious shoes to us.

非常感谢来自富山县的O先生要求我们修理并更换Foot the Coach男士短靴的所有鞋底。作为多年来经常使用的证明,鞋底有明显的磨损迹象。这次,他们要求更换适合即将到来的季节的防滑冬季鞋底。

Foot the Coach 鞋采用固特异贴边结构制成,耐用且舒适,所有鞋底均可更换,打造完美外观。通过这种制造方法,通过拆下鞋底并重新缝制,您可以恢复鞋子的美观和耐用性,就像全新的一样。


도야마현의 O님, 이번에는 풋 더 코처의 신사 쇼트 부츠의 올솔 교환 수리를 의뢰해 주셔서, 정말로 감사합니다. 이번은, 앞으로의 계절에 적합한, 미끄럼에 강한 겨울창에서의 교환을 희망했습니다.

풋 더 코처의 신발은, 튼튼하고 신었을 때의 감촉이 좋은 굿이야웨르트제법으로 만들어져 있어, 올솔 교환도 훌륭한 마무리가 됩니다. 아름다움과 내구성을 되찾습니다.

이것으로, 눈이나 얼음에도 안심하고 신어 주실 수 있게 되었습니다.향후도 안심해 발밑을 맡길 수 있는 한발이 될 것입니다. .

#foot the coacher

靴を長く使うためのオールソール 風合いを損なわない革靴の修繕 ソール交換で整える靴のバランス

